👋Hi, I'm Sanjay Gautam


Experienced frontend developer specializing in React and JavaScript, creating dynamic and user-friendly web interfaces.

My Work


Prime Video Streaming App

This is streaming plateform web app like prime video, below are the feature implemented:

1.) Authentication using google firebase and firestore.
2.) Used Browser's Fetch API for Network Call and TMDB API for Movies Data
3.) Utilized Youtube IFrame Player to play, pause, mute and unmute video with youtube-player npm package
4.) Used Browser's Fetch API for Network Call and TMDB API for Movies Data
5.) Also integrated GPT-3.5 Turbo for searching movie, suggestion and Debouncing for makes API call based on user intraction
6.) Lazily loaded Iframe Player component for optimization.
6.) Component Driven implementation for Reusability, consistent design across pages.

We implemented all above feature using Javascript, React, Redux for runtime store, tailwind for styling component and 2 third parties libraries like youtube-player, firebase etc.

Drawing Web App

It is drawing app many people can draw at same time build using express js, socket.io used to communicate to multiple client.

Github User App

It' the application build in react, redux, react-router-dom. the common functionality was implemented like search user by API, suggestion, condiional rendering, Rest API integration

Retro Quiz Web App

This is quiz is made for retro meeting. I was looking for a quiz plateform in which I can broadcast question and remove question and show the result of each participant.

It built using templating library and Node JS, express-js and socket.io for communication and syncing with other client.

Text Finder

This i made for my curiosity like how visual-code editor search works. it is built using common javascript functions and bit DOM manipulation using vanilla Javascript

Awards & Achievments
